EarthShare's 10 Ways to Become a Sustainable Company

We’re loving this insightful report from Take a read if you’re interested in learning more about ways your company can become more sustainable. Here’s some of our favorite points:

  1. Conduct an environmental audit. Environmental audits are a great way to measure an organization’s environmental practices and help set new goals.

  2. Network with Other Companies on the Same Journey. The American Sustainable Business Council holds a summit each year bringing together sustainably-minded businesses and experts to share ideas and support.

  3. Take a Public Stand on Climate Change. Companies have significant influence on the public discussion around climate change solutions. The Ceres BICEP Network is made of companies that support renewable energy and energy efficiency and increased investment in a clean energy economy and climate resilience. They take actions like lobbying on climate policy and writing op-eds in major media outlets. Join them here.

  4. Offer Benefits for Sustainable Commuters. Reward employees who take transit or bike to work by offering subsidies. Allowing more teleworking options also make employees happier and more productive, and fights traffic pollution.

  5. Become a Bicycle-Friendly Business. Join hundreds of leading businesses that are transforming their communities by creating more bicycle-friendly workplaces. Apply to the program from League of American Bicyclists and see how bicycling can help your business create more energized, alert, and productive employees, decrease your healthcare costs, attract and retain top talent and draw more customers.

  6. Recognize and Reward Proactive Employees. Do you have employees that volunteer in their community or have organized green teams or recycling programs at the office? Reward them with recognition, resources, time off and/or bonuses.

  7. Join the EarthShare at Work Program. As America’s largest network of environmental organizations, EarthShare is your one-stop solution for helping employees impact a full range of environmental and conservation causes. EarthShare’s nonprofit members meet strict eligibility criteria and represent the most respected, trusted, and influential environmental nonprofits in the US.

  8. Educate Staff. Workplace sustainability initiatives are most successful when employees are inspired to take action, together.

  9. Get LEED Certified. Green building is the practice of designing, constructing and operating buildings to maximize occupant health and productivity, use fewer resources, reduce waste and negative environmental impacts, and decrease life cycle costs. The Green Building Council’s LEED certification program can help you make your building a healthy place to work for your employees and the planet.

  10. Green your supply chain. The purchasing power of a supply chain gives a business a unique opportunity to act responsibly and redefine its relationship with customers, employees and suppliers.

Read the full article and find important links to get started on creating a more sustainable business here.

If your curious on how you can become a green company and save energy with solar, contact us today for a free consultation and site check.