17 Facts About Solar Energy

We at 15 lightyears LOVE fun facts that’ll blow your mind. Well, at least help you pass time while you’re waiting in line. Here are 17 facts about solar energy.

Solar Energy Fact 1:

It’s estimated that one square foot of solar panel gives an output of approximately 10 watts of power.

Solar Energy Fact 2:

Solar panels can produce 1-kilowatt (KW) solar energy unit to replace the equivalent of burning 170 lbs of coal and 300 lbs of carbon dioxide.

Solar Energy Fact 3:

Solar Energy is measured by the kilowatt-hour.  One kilowatt = 1000 watts.

Solar Energy Fact 4:

Solar panels are the only home improvement that pays for itself.

Solar Energy Fact 5:

Aside from occasional cleaning solar panels are virtually maintenance free and will last for years.

Solar Energy Fact 6:

More energy hits the earth from the sun in one hour than the whole world uses all year.

Solar Energy Fact 7:

Solar energy is the most abundant energy resource on earth -- 173,000 terawatts of solar energy strikes the Earth continuously. That's more than 10,000 times the world's total energy use.

Solar Energy Fact 8:


Solar Energy Fact 9:

A solar-powered home can reduce CO2 emissions by 100 tons within 30 years.

Solar Energy Fact 10:

The number of U.S. solar power installations is 23 times higher than eight years ago.

Solar Energy Fact 11:

Sunlight takes a little over eight minutes to reach Earth and a few seconds longer to make contact with your solar panels.

Solar Energy Fact 12:

Surprisingly, Exxon Mobile was one of the first companies to research ways to lower solar cell cost because the company used solar panels to power warning lights on oil rigs.

Solar Energy Fact 13:

The largest solar power plant in the world is located in the Mojave Desert in California, covering 1000 acres.

Solar Energy Fact 14:

Solar power can significantly reduce electricity bills. Moreover, there are many tax incentives and rebate programs designed to spur the use of solar and save homeowner’s money at the same time.

Solar Energy Fact 15:

By relying on battery backup, solar energy can even provide electricity 24×7, even on cloudy days and at night.

Solar Energy Fact 16:

Rooftop solar can potentially save you $20,000 - or more!

Solar Energy Fact 17:

With a grid solar power system, any extra power produced is fed back into the grid. If your utility company allows for net metering they owe you for excess power that you don’t use

If you would like to know more about the savings or the utility company owing you, send us a note.

Lisa Pearcy