What is Living Off the Grid?

Everyone has heard the phrase, “living off the grid”.  As you read it, you may picture a few hipsters sitting around in their ironic clothes or maybe someone who owns 42 cows, 28 chickens and will never eat any of them.  Me? Well, before I knew what it meant, I thought it had something to do with running to Mexico to hide out.  The fact of the matter is, depending on who you talk to, it does have different meanings.    Some believe to “Live Off the Grid” one must subtract themselves from society and cut ties with technology and other forms of modern conveniences. This would be an extreme interpretation and very few view it in this manner.  For most people, “Living Off the Grid” is based around a belief in sustainable living and renewable energy.

Sustainable Living

Sustainable living is simply a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the Earth’s natural resources, as well as one’s personal resources.  It can also be called “earth harmony living” or “net zero living.”  Living in such a way means disconnecting not just from the electrical grid but also creating your own electricity.  Growing your own food and becoming more self reliant.  Giving back to the earth and not just taking from it.  Living a more “Green” lifestyle.  

The Grid? 

The Wikipedia definition is:  An electrical grid, electric grid or power grid, is an interconnected network for delivering electricity from producers to consumers. It consists of generating stations that produce electric power electrical substations for stepping electrical voltage up for transmission, or down for distribution high voltage transmission lines that carry power from distant sources to demand-centers distribution lines that connect individual customers.

To Sum it Up

Whether you are living in a forest eating crickets, living off your own self sustaining  farm, or relying on the sun to power your home, you’d be considered “Living off the Grid”.   If you have any questions about not needing to rely on the power company feel free to reach out to us!!  We love this stuff and would love to help.  Just to be clear, this is about powering your home with solar, not living in the forest.  

Lisa Pearcy